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How Quickly Does Yogurt Cure A Yeast Infection

how quickly does yogurt cure a yeast infection

How Long To Leave Yogurt On Vulva For Yeast Infection

Most women will suffer with vaginal or oral thrush at some point in their lives and these natural remedies for thrush can help. 

If you visit your GP with the symptoms of thrush they are likely to prescribe oral thrush remedies, including antifungal medication or pessaries – a special pill that you insert into your vagina.

However, lots of women want to choose natural solutions to treat the Candida fungi that cause thrush, by rebalancing the natural yeast in the vagina and not resorting to drugs.

We’ve gathered a selection of natural and herbal relief for thrush, including yogurt, tea tree essential oil, underwear, and even addressing your diet.

What are the causes of thrush?

The Candida fungus that causes thrush is present in most women’s vaginas but can live there without causing problems for many years. However, up to 50% of females will go on to develop thrush during their life time. The Candida can flare up and become a yeast infection for many reasons.

What causes thrush can vary from person to person, and sometimes even if you follow all the ‘rules’ to avoid getting thrush, you can still be unlucky. You are more likely to get thrush if;

It’s not just an old wives’ tale, natural yogurt really is a great natural remedy for thrush as the natural bacteria in the yogurt do the same job as the naturally occurring ones in your vagina.

You can put a spoonful of live yogurt, which can be purchased in all supermarkets, on to the labia or where they appear irritated by the infection.

Some women recommend soaking a tampon in live yoghurt and leave it in over night and others prefer freezing yoghurt in a lollipop maker and then insert this – especially as the cold will help to soothe any itching.

Although there isn’t lots of scientific evidence to support the use of probiotics in curing thrush, many women in clinical trials have said they find them useful.

source: goodtoknow.co.uk

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